Sunday 27 April 2014

I'll admit now that I was not sure I wanted to post this piece. It's an important one, but it's also extremely personal. Although it's strange that I find this to be more personal that others since a lot of other pieces are about subjects that I keep a lot closer to my chest than my eating disorder, which is what this work is really all about.

I guess it's because it's largely expressed through text. Colour and shape and form are all ways of expressing things too, but they can be subjective. They are arguably much harder to understand than words and sentences. 

The work is made up of layers of plastic. Within the first two layers is a lot of ink, enclosed inside with spray glue. There are also layers of pastels and oil pastels. The front (shown) and back are covered in words. I decided to enjoy show the view of the front of this piece as the back contains information I'm not quite ready to share yet. But it essentially works as two sides of the same coin. Both sides contain only facts. Things I know to be completely true. I made this at a time where I was struggling with my own truth, with what I believed to be true.

There are things I know and things I believe. Sometimes I have a hard time telling those things apart. 

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